Saturday, May 31, 2014


You can view my blog the best on your phone. iPhone is probably the best considering that's what I use. (aka see everything how it's suppose to look. Laptops may get a little funky on you. They do on me anyway.) 
Thanks for reading. :)
I hope you get inspired here.

beautiful photoshoot :)

I had a great time on this beautiful day taking photos. Yes, this is me and I did take this picture. I set up my tripod and burnt a few calories running back and forth. But that's okay, because it's all worth it in the end. 💙

Monday, May 5, 2014

Update on the Blog

When viewing my blog, there are little options in the top left corner of the website; classic, flipboard, magazine, ect. I recommend going to snapshot. I think it's the easiest layout to see all of my pictures and it looks really cool so it's my favorite. :)

I'm also having some issues seeing the words that I post with my photos. They are showing up white so it's white words against white background. I'm sorry if you can't see the words so I will try to fix that as soon as I figure out how.

Hope you enjoy my pictures! :)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Eternal Flame

this is a very interesting photo to me. Tell me what you see because I see a face.